Our School Meals
Our aim is for children to have a pleasing, positive dining experience where they can enjoy healthy food in a safe and nurturing environment. The school menu is a single choice menu, offering vegetarian or a meat meal. Our food is made at Burlington Primary School. The menu is offered on a 3 week cycle
Vegetarian meals are available provided prior notification of your child’s dietary requirements is given. It is not possible to choose between meat and vegetarian options on a daily basis. If your child has a dietary need, please contact school so that we can arrange for Burtlington School to provide a specialist menu.
Please note that the menu may change at short notice.
The cost of a school meal is £2.60
Ideally, payment for meals should be made via the school money app. We are happy to accept payment for the week on Monday at the latest or for the month. Cheques (made payable to ERYC) or cash should be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the child’s name and class and handed into the class teacher or at the School Office. Please give plenty of notice if you wish to change your lunch arrangements. The link at the bottom of the page takes you to the latest menu.
Alternatively you may qualify for Free school meals. Please click below to see if you qualify
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 automatically receive universal free school meals. You still need to book your child's meal via the school money app but no payment will be requested.
East Riding Free School Meals information page
Packed lunches
Alternatively, children may bring a packed lunch. This should be in a secure named container. A drink should be provided in a non breakable container. Packed lunches are eaten in the main hall. No sweets, nut based items or fizzy drinks are allowed – instead, we encourage lots of fruit, vegetables and water.