Welcome to Burton Agnes C.E. Primary School, a vibrant, caring and friendly village school. We are a happy and popular village school with high standards and expectations. Our team of talented and dedicated staff all work together to provide the best possible education for the children in our care. At Burton Agnes CE Primary School we provide all of our pupils' with strong foundations for now and for the future. These foundations allow a firm base on which to build, allowing all in our school community to flourish. We recognise that children have individual needs and our aim is to provide a happy, caring Christian environment where everybody is valued and encouraged to fulfil their potential.
This website aims to give you a flavour of the school and what life is like here at Burton Agnes. It also provides a point where parents, pupils, staff, governors and friends of the school can share in the life of the school and see just what we get up to!
I hope you enjoy looking around the website. If you would like to visit the school in person we would be happy to welcome you. Please contact the school office on 01262 490320.
Best Wishes
Helen Jameson