What is the SEND Information Report?

The SEND Information Report provides information on what services children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies including education, health and social care.  Knowing what is out there gives you more choice and control over what support might be right for your child.

SEND Information Report

Updated: 27/02/2025 51 KB
Updated: 27/02/2025 128 KB



Our school ethos regarding Children with Special Educational Needs and disabilities (SEND)

Burton Agnes is a school which aims to provide a caring and supportive environment and has high expectations of success. Staff members are committed to creating an environment where every child can make good progress, not just in their academic life, but in their personal and social development as well. We embrace the fact that every child is different and therefore the educational needs of every child are different. Burton Agnes C. E. School strives to be an inclusive school by providing the best education to enable all children to achieve their potential.

The school supports this aim by:

  • Planning curriculum delivery to meet the needs of all pupils by considering the task, the resources, and making any necessary adjustments.
  • Identifying barriers to learning and participation.
  • Working with parents and carers to identify and meet children’s needs.
  • Assessing children’s needs in a way that supports the child.
  • Providing staff with appropriate training and information.
  • Monitoring children’s progress using Individual Education Plans (IEP), to be reviewed three times per year.
  • Working in co-operation with the LA and other agencies.
  • Seeking advice and support from outside experts as appropriate.
  • Involving children in planning support, target setting and the reviewing process


The East Riding Authority have their own Local Offer Website.  The purpose of the ‘local offer’ is to provide clear accessible information about what services are available in the area for parents, children and young people aged 0 – 25 with Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND).